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Guidelines for Use of the Library Conference Center

General Rules and Regulations

Specific Facility Regulations


Audio/Visual Presentations



Fees and Deposits

Insurance and Security

Change of Date & Rental Cancellation Policy

General Rules and Regulations

All reservations are tentative pending approval by the Facilities Supervisor.

Client will have access to authorized areas of the Library only.

Permission to use the Library is granted in writing and will not be confirmed until the copy is approved and signed by the Facility Operations Staff.

All activities must be coordinated and planned with the Library Facility Operations Staff.

Children must be supervised at all times. No unattended children aer permitted on the Terrace.

Space heaters are not allowed.

Client or responsible party identified on the rental contract must be present for the entire reservation and will accept full financial responsibility for damage and/or missing property.

Any person or group will be financially responsible for personal injury, property or equipment damage arising from use of the facility, meetings or activities. The cost of repair or replacement of property or equipment will be based on current market value. The Library does not accept any legal responsibility for any act or incident arising from use of its property by any organization, group, or individual.

The client must check in with the Event Supervisor at the beginning of the reservation time, be present for the entire reservation, check out with the Event Supervisor at the conclusion of the reservation and clean up.

Only Library Staff are allowed to regulate heating, air conditioning, lighting, public address system, or any other electrical or mechanical system in the building.

Permits shall not be transferred, assigned, or sublet.

Neither the City of Cerritos nor the Library will be held responsible for the loss, damage, or theft of equipment or articles owned by the user(s).

The Library reserves the right to suspend use of the Center to those groups and individuals not complying with established rules and regulations.

Smoking is not allowed on any part of the Library premises. It is the user’s responsibility to enforce this rule. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of deposit.

The client is responsible for informing all guests, caterers, DJ, etc. about Library policies.

Any user group desiring to charge admission fee/donation or sell any items must submit a written request in advance. No monies can be exchanged at the facility without written authorization.

Payment for all events is due in full 30 days prior to rental date. Failure to pay required fees may result in forfeiture of deposit and/or cancellation of rental.

Specific Facility Regulations

Food must be consumed in the banquet and specific meeting rooms only. Food and drinks are not allowed in the lobbies. We do not allow the use of red beverages (fruit punch, cranberry juice, red wine) within the Conference Center. Amplified music and or sound systems (including mobile D.J.s, karaoke, or any other music system) shall not be permitted without prior written permission for both outside and inside facilities. An additional deposit is required.

A warming kitchen is available for rent. There are no ovens; only warmers are available. Cooking utensils, pots, pans, and trays are not supplied. All food must be brought in already prepared. Cooking is not allowed.

Chafing dish cooking fuels (Sternos) are allowed, provided they are gel without wicks.

Any item, device, system or program that may activate the fire alarm system is prohibited. (Examples: birthday candles, fog or smoke machines, pyrotechnics, portable space heaters, chafing dish with wick)


Decorations shall not be displayed or installed in any manner which could damage or deface the facilities. Nails, hooks, tacks or screws may not be used on any surface or furnishing in the authorized areas. No tape or other material can be applied to walls, tables or any library surface. The client will be held financially responsible for repair/replacement of any damages or defaced property.

The use of any flammable device or substance (i.e. candles) is strictly prohibited.

No rice, glitter, flower petals, bubbles, fog/smoke machines or confetti may be used anywhere in or around the Conference Center or Library premises.

Balloons must be weighted or tied down, and may not be released. The use of balloon shine sprays or gloss are not allowed. All balloons must be removed at the conclusion of each event.

All decorations, rentals, and other materials must be removed before the reservation ends. Any items left behind will be subject to disposal. The Library will not store any personal/rental equipment for the client. In addition, deliveries will not be allowed prior to the setup time on the client’s rental contract.

There is not a specified caterer on site at the Library. Food/beverages, table linen, place settings and decorations are not included in the rental of the Conference Center. The client must contract separately with an outside caterer or rental company for these items. A list of vendors is available upon request.

Audio/Visual Presentations

The Library’s projection system supports Microsoft PowerPoint files. It is recommended that clients save presentations as a Microsoft PowerPoint file on a USB drive. The file will then be played through a laptop computer (PC) provided by the Library. Clients may also bring their own electronic devices to connect to the Library’s projection system, however, compatibility is not guaranteed. It is strongly recommended that clients test their presentations in the Library’s Conference Center in advance of their event. Testing can be scheduled through the Facility Operations Staff and is available free-of-charge.


Cleanup is the client’s responsibility.

Tabletops are to be wiped down, chairs must be cleaned, and all trash removed from the floor.

The warming kitchen must be left in the condition it was in when the client first arrived. All kitchen counter tops and equipment must be wiped down. All spillage in refrigerators and freezers must be cleaned up.

All cleanups must be completed within the hours of use stated on the rental contract. Any increment of time that extends beyond the reserved hours will be billed at twice the rate for the full banquet or meeting room.

In the event the client fails to leave the facility in an acceptable condition, the Library will have such areas cleaned and the client will be charged a custodial fee equal to $18.50 per custodian per hour. The charges will be deducted from the client’s deposit.


Alcohol refers to any beverage that contains alcohol. The City reserves the right to place restrictions on the use of alcoholic beverages in accordance with the State Law and City Ordinances. Failure to comply with any regulations will result in immediate revocation of permission to use alcohol.

Any applicant permitted to serve alcoholic beverages will be required to pay an additional, but refundable, $500 deposit. Applicant must also purchase alcohol insurance in addition to the liability insurance already required.

Any function where alcohol is to be served will require a minimum of one uniformed Sheriff’s deputy (per 100 guests) at a rate equal to their actual cost plus benefits per hour.

No alcoholic beverages shall be served to any person less than 21 years of age. Injuries caused to a person as a result of alcoholic beverages being served to or consumed by a minor on the City’s premises, or arising off the City premises, or as a result of alcohol being available on the City’s premises shall be the sole responsibility of the client. All hard liquor must be distributed over a bar into individual servings. Wine, beer and champagne must be consumed from individual containers. There will be no drinking directly from bottles or cans. Champagne bottles must be opened in the warming kitchen.

Serving and/or selling of alcoholic beverages may be allowed for a maximum of 5 hours and only after the Library has been closed to the public. The serving of any alcoholic beverages must end one hour before the close of the event, not including the client’s scheduled clean up time.

Per State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Section 23399.1:

Alcoholic beverages may not be sold at private parties unless conducted by a licensed caterer, or individual possessing a valid ABC license or permit. For license information please contact Alcoholic Beverage Control Department (562) 982-1337.

The distribution or consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be in compliance with the applicable laws, including regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission. Any organization using the Library or Conference Center’s premises shall be solely responsible for obtaining all required permits or licenses relating to the distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises. Evidence of required permits, licenses or insurance must be in 10 working days prior to the scheduled event.

Fees and Deposits

All fees must be paid by check, money order, or credit card from the person or group making the reservation. In order to qualify for the resident rate, checks must have a Cerritos address pre-printed on them. Money orders, cashier’s checks, and credit cards must be accompanied by proof of residency.

To hold a date, a minimum payment of half of the total deposit must be made at the time of the reservation request. The remaining balance of the deposit must be paid in full on the first day of the month prior to the date of the reservation.

Insurance and Security

The City requires the applicant to purchase insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 which holds the City harmless for any damage or injury. The City must be named as an “additional insured”. The use of alcohol requires the purchase of additional “alcohol insurance”. The fees for such insurance will be added to the rental contract.

The client shall indemnify the City of Cerritos and its officers, officials, agents, and employees against and will hold the same harmless from any and all actions, claims, damages to persons or property, penalties, obligations, and or liabilities which may be asserted or claimed by any person, firm, entity, corporation, or other organization arising out of or in connection with the use of the City facilities by said client.

At the discretion of the Library Supervisor, the assignment of one or more uniformed sheriff deputies may be required. The cost of any additional officers and the cost of the City providing other personnel necessary to the occurrence of the event shall be the responsibility of the applicant.           

For rentals by a resident of the City of Cerritos, a Resident Affidavit must be signed.

Change of Date & Rental Cancellation Policy

The client is responsible for notifying the Library in writing of any changes or cancellation requests.

Cancellation or any changes to a reservation must be done in person at the Library Reservation Desk.


All cancellations will be charged a minimum $50 cancellation fee.

60 days or less prior to reservation - Any cancellation made less than 60 days prior to the reservation date will be subject to a $100 cancellation fee.

30 days or less prior to reservation - Any cancellation made less than 30 days prior to the reservation date will be subject to the forfeiture of the deposit or a portion thereof.

Change of Date

All changes to the date of reservations will be charged a minimum $25 change fee.

30 days or less prior to reservation - Any change made less than 30 days prior to the reservation date will be subject to a $50 change fee.

Security deposits will be returned by mail 3-4 weeks after the reservation if all policies and procedures are followed and the facility is left in a clean and orderly manner. Failure to abide by the regulations, rules, City policies and ordinance will result in the forfeiture of the deposit.

Failure to comply with policies or misrepresentation of the event will result in forfeiture of all or part of the deposit.

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